Aquaphor Crystal A – Under the Counter Water Filter

Aquaphor Crystal A – Under the Counter Water Filter

Modern, compact filter system Aquaphor Crystal series not only perfectly and quickly purify water, but also (thanks to using innovative technologies) are the most convenient and easiest to use of the other under-counter flow filters.
Replacement filters last much longer than normal systems due to the increased amount of adsorbent. Crystal also outperforms other brands because it is much easier to replace filters due to the special fasteners which require minimal time and effort (click-and-turn technology). In addition, filters are replaced with housing that prevents contamination.

Filtration rate
Filter life
8000 L

Technical specification

Filter life: 6000 L
Replacement cartridge: every 12 months
Filtration rate: 2.5 L/min
Dimensions: 26.0 x 9.0 x 35.0 cm
Weight: not more than 3 kg
Replacement cartridges:
Aquaphor K5
(Buy on Promarket),
Aquaphor K2 (Buy on Promarket),
Aquaphor K7 (Buy on Promarket).
Compatible cartridges:
Aquaphor K7M (Buy on Promarket),
Aquaphor K7B (Buy on Promarket).
Maximum operating water pressure: 0.63 MPa (6.5 at)
Water temperature: +5 ... + 38 ° С

YouTube Video: Aquaphor Crystal A: unpacking, equipment

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